5 Casserole Recipes

I am a fan of Kalyn’s Kitchen website. Kalyn is a  Low Glycemic Eating fan and she is well versed in the South Beach Diet program. She has compiled a lot of recipes over the years and she has a great arsenal of recipes on her website.  I like to share these recipes with people who have taken my Transitions Lifestyle Class.  Please note that Kalyn’s recipes cover a wide range of levels so depending on where you are on your Wellness or Weightloss Journey, some of the recipes may not be  appropriate  for you to lose weight if you are just starting out. That’s where a Nutrition Coach can help. But the site does offer great tips and lots of healthy recipes including this post for 5 favorite casserole recipes.  I hope you’ll give some a try and don’t be afraid to post a comment if you do.

Here is the link to the Casserole Recipes:


Healthy Recipes


Mushing in Ocean City MD