Five Nutrition Tips To Improve Your Health

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Five Nutrition Tips To Improve Your Health

At Optimal Health Chiropractic in Berlin, Md. Dr. Jeff Michael is all about overall health and wellness. Dr. Jeff is always looking for ways to educate his clients on their path to wellness. With that in mind I have put together 5 Nutrition Tips which I hope his clients will find beneficial. In addition we will be holding a Wellness Information Program at Dr. Jeff’s office on June 1st, at 7:00 PM for anyone who would like to get some information on natural supplements and the benefits they might contribute to overall health.

1. Jump Start Your Metabolism

Drink 8 oz of warm water in the morning with the juice of half a lemon. This serves several purposes:

  • To wake up your metabolism and get it moving
  • It’s a great way to ingest antioxidants
  • It cleanses the liver
  • And it satiates helping to reduce hunger

Note: even though lemons taste acidic they are alkaline. Alkalinity is important to our digestive health and it helps our bodies heal. If you don’t know if you are alkaline or acidic your doctor can do a routine blood test. Your goal is to have a ph of 7 which helps keep the body healthy. An acidic environment promotes inflammation and disease. An alkaline environment promotes healing.

2. Limit Your Dairy Intake

If you have any health issues from joint pain to allergies, consider eliminating all milk products for 1 week to see if that improves your condition. Dairy is highly inflammatory and as people age this can become an issue. Substitute Rice Milk or Almond Milk and see if you feel better. A recent study reported that the highest dairy consumption countries in the world have the highest rate of osteoporosis. Hmmmmmmm…

3. Go Green!

Need more calcium in your diet? Leafy greens, spinach, and broccoli are great sources of calcium, not to mention being a great source of fiber and antioxidants. Chia seeds are a nutritional powerhouse and are a great source of fiber and Omega-3 fatty acid and they contain 5 X more calcium than milk. So get your calcium the same way cows do, from grass!

4. Rethink Your Protein Intake

When we think of protein we tend to think of animal protein. But plant protein may be a healthier alternative. Consider this: the more animal protein you eat, the harder your body has to work to maintain its Ph Balance. Animal protein depletes calcium and interferes with Vitamin D synthesis and causes an acidic environment which can compromise health and lead to disease. Plant protein on the other hand provides antioxidants to the body as well as fiber and lots of nutrients and helps keep the body alkaline. Plant protein sources are: black beans, broccoli, chickpeas, lentils, quinoa, spinach, tempeh, tofu, almonds, sesame seeds, chia seeds and hemp seeds.

5. Be Picky

When eating out don’t be afraid to pick and choose items from a menu and make up your own choice of a meal. Most restaurants allow this and I recently spoke to the owner of the Marina Deck in Ocean Pines and she told me she welcomes requests like that. The Marina Deck is very much tuned in to dietary needs and they even have a Gluten Free Menu available for those who need it. Bottom line, don’t be afraid to ask.

No one is a better advocate for your overall health than you! Start by taking stock of the foods you are eating and take one step at the time. You are worth it.

“The road to wellness isn’t straight, clear, or predictable. It’s a path you forge yourself.” unknown

  1. i apreciate healthy info thk u

  2. You’re welcome Dean. Thanks for the feedback.

  3. Great tips! Thanks Linda. Will see you next Wednesday!

  4. Linda,
    The information here was illuminating. Did not know dairy was inflammatory, does that include yogurt too?

    • Yes it does include yogurt but if yogurt is something you would have a hard time parting with you may want to eat it as a treat rather than daily and stay away from the flavored yogurts that are high in sugar.

  5. Thanks for your comment. When I post on my blog I try not to get too wordy because I know many people like to read shorter entries rather than longer ones. That being said, I love expanding on my comments so if anyone has any particular questions about any of my tips I am more than happy to elaborate in a personal email. I also have many resources which I love to share with people on request. This blog is my attempt at trying to find a happy medium. Hopefully one day I will find the right balance.

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Mushing in Ocean City MD