Low Glycemic Homemade Sports Drink Recipe


Low Glycemic Homemade Sports Drink Recipe

Low Glycemic, Homemade Sports Drink Recipe

If you are looking for a healthy sports drink without added sugar and chemical additives here is a recipe suggested by Scott Josephson MS, RD the Director of Operations of the Hippocrates Health Institute in West Palm Beach, Fla. and a recognized nutrition educator.

Simply mix Orange Juice with water and a pinch of salt. My husband who is an avid golfer, swears by this recipe. He uses a ratio of half unsweetened OJ and half water. I recommend using unsweetened coconut water for the added electrolytes. My go-to brand is Zico coconut water because it contains 5 electrolytes. My husband fills half a bottle with OJ and puts it in the freezer overnight. In the morning he fills the bottle the rest of the way with water and off he goes to the golf course. As the OJ melts it provides a nice cold slushy mix and it lasts the entire round. A great way to replace those electrolytes and cut down on the sugar intake. For a post workout smoothie recipe check out my Non Dairy Smoothie Recipe or my Powers Pack Super Smoothie

Give it a try a leave a comment telling us how you like it.

  1. Wonderful! I’ve been searching for this info , thanks for posting, low glycemic diet.

    • You’re welcome! I share lots of Low Glycemic recipes via email with my clients. If you’d like I can put you on my distribution list. Thanks for visiting my site. Linda

Healthy Recipes


Mushing in Ocean City MD