Breathing is inspiring during a Flowga class with OC SUP and Fitness
Breathe! It is the mantra of every yoga instructor I’ve met but it is also used extensively by Personal Trainers, Doctors, and Meditation Coaches. But more about that in a second…I was a foreign language teacher for a long time and have an appreciation for the meaning we find in words. I don’t believe that it’s a coincidence that the word inspiration can be defined medically as “the act of drawing air into the lungs” OR in our more common usage “the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something.” Keeping this in mind…let’s get back to yoga instructors and the like. Why do we need these constant reminders when we do this naturally? It is precisely BECAUSE we do this automatically, without thinking about it, that we need to think about it if we want to reap the benefit of breathing for inspiration.
When we are told to focus on our breathing, i.e. focus on breathing in, then focus on breathing out, if you are truly focused on your in-breath and your out-breath, then you cannot possibly have anything else on your mind. When you focus on your in-breath all the other thoughts you have whirling through your head just disappear! You forget about everything! You can’t even remember the breath you just took a second ago. It’s gone, done, fini! You are in the Now, the Present and thoughts of the past and the future are nowhere to be found. And THAT is why focusing on breathing is so beneficial. It is the best way to give your brain a break! You can do it for just a few seconds, a few minutes, or an hour. The more you do it, the better you will feel. Not only do you reap physical benefits because you are giving your bloodstream a good boost of oxygen but you are managing to de-stress your body and brain significantly and that relaxation can lead to a whole new influx of inspiration!
It’s no wonder the verb “to breathe” is synonymous with the verb “to inspire.”
So today and every day, make it a point to focus on your breath and just BREATHE!
Do it repeatedly during the day and you may soon find that breathing is the the most inspiring form of exercise you take part in. =)