Verizon, My Verizon, Wherefore Art Thou?

If you’ve ever been frustrated over your wireless cellphone coverage you’ll sympathize with our experience with our cell phones when we crossed over the border into Canada.
Before leaving home, we upgraded to Verizon’s Canada Plan and thought we had done everything needed to have the best uninterrupted service during our stay in Canada.

Here is Kevin’s explanation of our plight as only he can relate it.

The Canada Plan

  1. Am enjoying your blogs.! I swore off blogs a long time ago – didn’t want to read what people were fixing for supper, their problems with the boss, etc., etc. But with yours I’m learning a lot about something I know nothing about. Good luck on Saturday – hope your phones are working in tandem by then and that the “Canada Plan” has worked out the kinks you’ve been experiencing!

Healthy Recipes


Mushing in Ocean City MD